Meta Medikal
Occlutech PLD Occluder

Occlutech PLD Occluder

first European device launched specifically for the closure of Paravalvular leaks, treating patients since 2014.

the design of the devices, choice of square or rectangular option, with a Twist or Waist, allows alignment over the leak which aids in achieving closure of Paravalvular leaks.

force free angulation during release.

Product features

  • Two gold markers facilitate optimal positioning.
  • Repositionable and fully retrievable.
  • Double disc device made from nitinol braided wires with two Polyethylenterephthalat (PET) patches – one in each disc.
  • Available with different design options for different Paravalvular leak morphologies.

Clinical benefits

  • Transcatheter Paravalvular leak closure offers a minimally invasive alternative for patients with high surgical risk.1
  • High success rate in achieving complete closure.2-6
